In a presently more minor way, across the pond we confront the same problem in the person of Trump’s friend Nigel Farage, who was a leading figure in the Brexit campaign and who now heads a political party that has a small foothold in U.K. Parliament thanks to yesterday’s General Election. He looks longingly across the Channel to see what Le Pen is doing and she in turn looks towards the US. And what they all have in common is Russia, they are just at different stages of the process.

Unless somehow we can stop them.

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"I have seen the enemy and it is us." The Russian infiltration of our body politic is rarely discussed. Where are the "muckrakers", the journalist sleuths who exposed things like Watergate and taught the public about nightmarish working conditions?

As you have so well explained, it's all there in broad daylight. Our press has gone blind and numb.

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Thank you, Elizabeth. This is a great piece of reporting. Many Nee Yorker’s have been aghast that this well-known conman ever became President the first time. Never again!

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I’m replying to myself to correct the typo. Obviously should be New Yorkers.

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Thank you Elizabeth . For the most timely and important reminder .

That we ignore the truth at our own peril.

The Media has buried this information attempting to shield Trump from exposure . Bill Barr, I believe has been identified as a traitor .

But not by our so called Media.

There is not a major Media with the balls to tell the truth about this ongoing debacle .

If the Extreme Supremes gave any of their new ruling that covers Bidens immunity.

Then there should be headlines.

I believe this, Elizabeth .

It’s the only explanation that makes any sense as far as Trumps loyalty to Putin goes . As for Trumps synchofants in the House of Representatives , this fits.

The obvious brainwashing of his followers is clear. What else explains their slavish loyalty to a man who clearly lies non stop and cares not one iota for his followers .

Trump can only care about himself .

The only thing he pretends to care about is always what he sees as an extension of himself.

His laughable pretense of ‘ saving our democracy ‘ are words he’s stollen .

He’ll steal anything that he can .

Like protected military secrets that he can send to his owner Putin.

This link must be really seen and accepted by Americans . This is vital information for voters in both “ parties”

We need to win the election in November.

As for questions about Biden or a replacement , that is solely up to Biden .

Biden has integrity , compassion for people, a sense of Justice.

And he has been a great president under extremely chaotic circumstances.

Remember how President Obamas hair turned grey / white ( Sorry we noticed) by the end of his 8 years in office as President of these United States.

Well guess what , this office , this leadership does age anyone in that position.

President Joe Biden is old . But I believe he is able to. He has demonstrated such .

Get out and help our Democratic candidates win .

We must vote no matter what .

Biden has beaten Trump once , he can again .

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Hi previous commenter,

no one is going to come after us for expressing our thoughts and fears.

Well, maybe I should speak for myself. To allow fear to silence me now, in and of itself, already places me in a frozen fascist state; I've ended up doing it to myself.

The word "intimidation " comes to mind. I grew up easily intimidated. In being so, I harmed myself by not speaking up and it's taken many years to break that soulless pattern. One of the most important tools I use is to ask myself if I'm feeling fear. Then I give myself time and patience to clear my head so that I can evaluate the source of the fear and ask myself if it is real or not. Then I ask myself - What do I need to do to answer that question? When I'm on my game, I do that instead of going down a rabbit hole to hide.

Sorry to go on about this. I'm tempted to close by quoting whomever said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

But that's too easy.

Take it from a recovering scaredy-cat, do your best and do it in a way that works for you. Best to start with your intention and keep to your own wisest path.

With all sincerity, Vote!

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Peril awaits USA if DJT/Maga/Heritage Foundation have their way. They will stop at nothing if allowed. I am afraid as I write this because they could come after me. I hope more high profile influencers can be more effective to impress citizens about the danger, knowing they risk their lives, family and careers. Thank you Elizabeth for taking the risks to tell us.

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