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Putin with his hostage Trump are attempting to destroy Democracy . Not just here . All over the world .

Putin is a twisted liar, who shares his lies with DJT in order to further his interests in destroying our nation.

You see how this works, if you follow Elizabeth’s excellent reporting on this sordid story.

I’m sure most people have despaired of the violence threatened by Trump and his Maga cult.

What can these Maga Republicans hope to achieve?

They are promised’ no holds barred ‘ power.

Power , money ?

They have nothing to do but ‘ join the cult’?

Really ?

Some of these people were actually originally seeking Public Service to make a difference in a positive way . What happened to that?

It has been corrupted by the Putin - Trump duo.

The agitation in this country is palpable .

The threats for anyone choosing to have integrity are death .

Death to them and their families.

With the millions of guns insisted on by these Maga Republicans.

Voting these days is massive attempt by Republicans to remove minorities from voter rolls systematically .

They’ve been doing this for years.

Republicans cheat . Ask Mitch McConnell about it .

We have a Supreme Court majority of Conservative Catholics who bought into this nonsense, dispensed by the Leonard Leo’s of the world . Also followers of Putin and Jesus .

How’s that working .?

Any person who still believes in real Democracy , ( not trumps lying “democracy”)

Must work hard and engage other supporters of Democracy in voting in force to elect Biden , who , though ‘ old ‘ is still definitely capable of working only for Democracy and the Constitution, as well as attempting to make progress for people , in spite of these destroyers of Democracy and of life in general.

Vote .

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